Multiple users may be registered into the system; upon such a time, the new user may be setup as a �new-user� or �sub-user.� A �new-user� may setup a different design and layout in contrast to another seller�s website; A �sub-user� retains the same design and layout (but still may later differentiate), so, upon uploading, a one click process, all sub-user affiliates� websites, content, order forms, details, colors will initially match with the user that set up this sub-user; whereas, new-users will initially have default settings and empty HTML fields in which to freshly apply a new source code and color scheme and settings (products, their categories, and category types will be carried over from user setting up new-user notwithstanding that they were specified as �new user�; but, products may be differentiated by this �new user� by setting up the �Customize� section). The newly created sub-user automatically inherits all data, source code, product information, pictures, all such input within the control station into the account of that user so the setting up of such may not need re-recording of data (mailing lists and orders are not transferred and the sub-user may still differentiate the site to the extents specified in the third FAQ of this section). |