Speciality Search Engines - Web Crawler - Other Global Engines
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Other Specialty Services - Search Engines
FlipDog http://www.flipdog.com/ Uses crawling technology to locate job postings from across the web
Search.com http://www.search.com/ Search.com is a meta search engine operated by Cnet. It offers both web-wide search and a wide variety of specialty search options..
AmeriStat http://www.ameristat.org/ Looking for US population data? This new research portal provides data about children, fertility, marriage and much more.
Artcyclopedia http://artcyclopedia.com/ An index of hundreds of museum sites and image archives. Visitors can search for where the works of over 5,500 different artists can be viewed online.
ClassMates.com http://www.classmates.com/p.tf/registration/ Discover old high school friends through this site, which has listings for high schools in the United States and Canada.
BuildingOnline http://www.buildingonline.com/ Search engine that has index over 200,000 web pagesrelated to residential building and home improvement industries. .
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Search Engine http://www.buffysearch.com/ Provides links to sites about Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel.
CI Resource Index http://www.bidigital.com/ci/ Lists sites for finding competitive intelligence (CI) resources on the Web.
Science Fiction Crowsnest http://www.computercrowsnest.com/ Search through this site's own directory for science fiction & fantasy web sites, or perform a broader search for SF and Fantasy sites using the Open Directory.
Searchgate http://www.searchgate.co.uk/ Searchable educational resource for study information, courses, recreation, jobs and careers. Especially aimed at the United Kingdom, but not exclusively UK in content.
WWWomen.com http://wwwomen.com/ A search directory exclusively focused on topics of interest to women.
Oneworld.net http://www.oneworld.net/ Portal site with search engine focused on human rights, environment and sustainable development.
Mikesart Home Decor Search http://www.mikesart.com/ Directory of home decorating and related sites.
Museumstuff.com http://museumstuff.com/ Guide to museum web sites and museum related info around the world.
b2bexcite http://b2bexcite.com/ A search directory geared exclusively to business to business (B2B) web sites